The Song
Managed by Ignitis Gamyba, Kaunas Algirdas Brazauskas Hydroelectric Power Plant (KHPP) is the largest renewable sources power plant in Lithuania. Annual production currently meets 4% of total energy consumed in Lithuania (approximately 25% of total energy generated from renewable sources). Despite the small capacity, KHPP ensures the stability of Lithuanian energy system.
The reconstruction works were completed at the plant in 2010, which resulted in significant increase in reliability and efficiency while expenses for technical maintenance have been reduced and work safety of maintenance personnel has been ensured according to the EU directives. In the case of a total system blackout, the modern equipment was installed during reconstruction, which ensures successful start of hydro units and restoration of energy systems. KHPP is one of two plants in Lithuanian energy system that can be started automatically in case of a total system blackout.
KHPP capacity – 100.8 MW, 4 units of 25.2 MW.The largest unit – 24.6 m, length of pressure front – approximately 1.5 km; an average perennial discharge – 259 m³/s, water permeability under normal conditions – 3,030 m³/s.
Generators are powered by four reactive turbines with adjustable blades. One turbine allows 158 m3/s flow of water (at maximum operational capacity), the total volume of turbines – 632 m³/s flow of water.
KHPP generated 0,23 TWh electricity in 2020.
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